IDCC 380 Blog Spring 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Future Plans

My future plans for this site are rather simple. After completing it, I have every intention on sending the files to the new Webmaster for CAB. Since I spent a lot of time building this site and making sure everything I could imagine was included on it, I don't think that the new Webmaster for CAB would have to do much work to update this site from year to year.

The two biggest tasks to continue using this site are rather self-explanatory. The first is that the information needs to be updated again every year. Not only does the date need to change, but so does the other information. The schedule and concert change every year, but with the page already built, it shouldn't be too hard to update it from year-to-year. The policies won't need much changing as they stay pretty constant. Obviously the pictures will need to be updated after each Spring Day. The other page that would need some maintenance would be the competition page and the second-tier pages from there. The only real changes necessary would be to update the brackets and times/dates of the games.

Another task that would need to be done would be to update the look of the page. Just as I
made sure that the colors of this page went along with the color palette used for the advertising this year, the Webmaster for CAB would need to do the same. If the same color are used again, then there wouldn't need to be much updating in the CSS file. One thing that I would definitely recommend to the Webmaster would be to work with the person designing the advertising so it would be easier to make a banner for the page instead of using a simple color as the background.

In addition to these two tasks, I would make one more big change next year. That would be to have sign-ups online next year. CAB does sign-ups for its tournaments during the year on its Web site and I think that would be a good idea for next year. By doing this, they could keep track of how many teams were signed up and would eliminate the need for students to take their sign up sheets to the Info Desk and have to turn them in by hand.


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